Established in 2008, The Road Surface Treatments Association (RSTA) is the focal point for the road surface maintenance industry.
The Road Surface Treatments Association (RSTA) aims to raise the awareness of the range and benefits of road and airfield surface treatments and promote work force competence, professionalism and safe working practices. Champion safe working, sustainability and best practice. Membership covers the whole supply chain and includes large national and regional contracting companies, local authority direct labour services organisations, materials and equipment suppliers, test houses and consultants. Members are encouraged to be registered with the National Highway Sector Scheme 13 (NHSS13), NHSS23 or a recognised Product Assurance and Approved Installers Scheme. RSTA is recognised by the National Highway Sector Scheme as being the only route through which members’ operatives and supervisors can obtain endorsed CSCS cards as required by Sector Scheme 13.
As the focal point for the UK road surface treatments industry, the RSTA offers its Members a recognised industry voice with representation to government and key client groups, input on best practice development, health and safety and technical issues.
In addition, RSTA Members have exclusive access to training and consultancy discounts and opportunities to network and raise their business profile.