Dom Callaghan

Assistant Group Manager (Sustainability), Glasgow City Council

Dom Callaghan is assistant manager of the Sustainability section of Glasgow City Council. He has worked in air quality related roles for more than 25 years, starting off with the National Engineering Laboratory monitoring and consulting on stack and industrial emissions, before moving to Glasgow City Council to work on ambient air pollution.

Responsible for Glasgow City Council air quality policy and strategy, for the last few years he’s been working on the development of the Glasgow Low Emission Zone which came into effect on 31 May 2022, with enforcement then beginning on 1 June 2023.  

My Speaker Sessions

Wednesday 27 November 2024


Scotland’s Low Emission Zones

12:40 - 13:15 Clean Air Decarbonisation Enforcement

Transport Scotland:

  • Background to the introduction of LEZs.
  • How they work.
  • Challenges and communications.

Glasgow City Council:

  • History of air pollution monitoring in Glasgow
  • Evidence base and implementation of LEZ in Glasgow including issues arising.
  • Initial air quality impacts of the Glasgow LEZ.