Sam Chapman
Managing Director, KenoteqDr Sam Chapman has been the Managing Director of Kenoteq since its launch in 2019, having previously worked on the development stages of the K-Briq within his research at Heriot Watt University.
A qualified structural engineer, Sam also has a PhD in Carbon Assessment of civil engineering projects from Heriot-Watt University. He completed the prestigious Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Enterprise Fellowship, also having been awarded the Blavatnik Enterprise Fellowship Alumni Award.
Throughout his degree (Structural Engineering with Architectural Design), he was on the ICE QUEST Sponsorship program partnered with Atkins Ltd and working in a variety of placements in construction design departments around the UK.
Having lead the product testing, certification, fundraising as well as the establishment of a modern commercial production facility, Sam together with his team are now heading into commercialisation of the K-Briq with a strong pipeline of projects and a growth plan to set up manufacturing across the UK and internationally.